Avery Huffman, at the young age of six, has an inoperable brain tumor. Her parents, Brian and Amanda, learned about it just three weeks ago. “They have found a tumor,” Brian wrote on his CaringBridge page. “It is a cancerous tumor in her brain. Unfortunately, where it is located, surgery is not an option and it’s not removable.” The news was sudden for the family. Avery seemed to be in perfect health until she complained of seeing double on a family trip to the beach a few weeks before the diagnosis.
Although Avery’s prognosis isn’t positive, a little bit of sunshine came into her life thanks to actress Kristen Bell. Avery, like many girls her age, loves Disney’s “Frozen,” and Kristen played the lead role of Princess Anna in the film. After hearing about Avery’s diagnosis through the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Kristen called her as Princess Anna to help spread some much-needed joy.