The goal of the GOOD Project is to involve our readers in the creative process-the idea being that our relationship to you isn't just a one-way street; we all comprise the membership of this community. For our first nine projects, we've pretty much handed you a set of instructions. So this time around, we'd like to put you in charge. The parameters are simple: Send us an idea for a good Project. All that's required is a description of how it would work, and what it would do. Send us a great idea, and you might see it on the last page of a future issue. Have at it.
THE ASSIGNMENTCome up with a Project idea.THE REQUIREMENTSA description of the assignment; bonus points for suggesting a partner organization.THE DETAILSEmail your ideas to projects[at]goodmagazine[dot]com. We'll post them here as they come in.