Spring is in the air, and spring foods are in the kitchen. Around the country, asparagus stalks have erupted from the earth. Rhubarb desserts have reappeared on farm-to-table menus. And strawberries are helping cooks and eaters forget about winter.
What are you cooking this spring? In our latest project, we're asking the GOOD community to send us your best original recipes using spring ingredients. We'll publish the recipes and accompanying photos in a slideshow and ask community members to vote on their favorite. Whoever gets the most votes will win a free subscription to GOOD Magazine and a GOOD T-shirt.
Once we've picked the winner, we'll publish all the best submissions in a downloadable PDF. Eventually, these submissions will turn into a chapter of our four season crowdsourced cookbook due out later this year.
It's spring. Which foods rejuvenate you?
We want to discover and compile our community's favorite spring recipes. Steal Grandma's secrets or come up with your own. Oh, and take a picture of (or graphically depict) your dish as well.
Please submit here.
Submissions must include the following: 1) name of dish 2) a short recipe (try to keep it to 6 steps or fewer) and 3) an image of the dish. We’ll take submissions now through May 28. Then we'll publish a Picture Show with a selection of the best submissions. We'll ask you, the GOOD community, to vote on your favorite, and we'll announce the Reader's Choice during the last week of May.
Need some culinary inspiration? Check out past installations of GOOD's crowdsourced cookbook.