Innovation makes the world go around, so why not crowdfund it? The best thinkers and ideamakers are the those that can make collective progress, so if we support their causes, projects, and ideas, we can be a part of bettering the future of our planet.
Maybe you don’t know what causes you care about yet, or maybe you’re still searching. Consider this a guide of the goodness you can get behind. Take a look at GOOD's curated Kickstarter page, which we'll be updating regularly, and check back every Saturday for a round up of our favorite projects from the crowdfunding world.
18 Days to Go:Quetsol: Bringing Solar Power to Guatemala
In Guatemala, over two million people live without electricity. Provide families in the country with the financing they need to purchase a Quetsol kit so they can bring solar power to their homes. Co-founder Juan Rodríguez will be locking himself up in a room without electricity until the company reaches its $50,000 goal. Learn more here.
27 Days to Go:Literary Lots
Literary Lots' program brings books to life by commissioning artists to design interactive spaces in vacant, under-utilized lots of Cleveland. Support a project that not only connects books, art, and the community, but also expands the library's reach and encourages kids to read.
27 Days to Go:Immersion Project
An average person spends six hours a day in front of a screen. Robbie Cooper is recording through-the-screen reactions of people responding to media. Support a project that will unify people to participate globally and spark conversation about our relationship with media.
29 Days to Go: Revive the Hive with Beez Kneez Honey House
This March is Food month at GOOD and 1 of every 3 bites of food we eat depends on a pollinated plant, but bees are in danger. Help host safer hives for bees by supporting Beez Kneez's bicycle-pedaled production, delivery, and education program in Minneapolis. Saving one hive can help save the production of food.
29 Days to Go:Manufacture New York: Local Fashion Design and Production Incubator
Manufacture New York wants to provide a collaborative space for independent fashion designers to create their work. Support a project that will not only make independent fashion more affordable and streamlined, but also encourage fashion designers to bring back garments made solely in the United States. See founder Bob Bland's GOOD piece about her project.
Tell us what projects you're getting behind in the comments below. Push progress forward, and do it for our collective good.
Illustration by Jessica De Jesus. Image via (cc) Flicker user Nesster.