With our Push for Good series, we have identified crowdfunding opportunities for the GOOD community to get behind. Now we are also shining a light on crowd-doing opportunities—so you can join others in working towards the greater good with actions as well as donations. Here's our weekly round-up of our favorite projects from the crowdsourced world.
Crowd Design (With Your Words)
The Scandanavian word arbejdsglæde means "work-glad" and that's exactly what GOOD member Jonny Miller is—and he wants to know if you are too. You may not want to think of your Monday morning this weekend, but with three words, describe it in a positive way. Miller is compiling adjectives into an inspirational poster that could make people with the Monday blues way happier. Read more here.
Crowd Map (With Your Computer)
You may think space shouldn't be the next frontier, but it's worth exploring. Help the Rover make better Mars maps and assist the Mars science teams as they study data. You may learn something by becoming a citizen scientist.
Crowd Research (With Your Idle Computer)
Interested in helping scientists figure out how to disable the proteins that play a role in progressing childhood cancer? Sounds too complicated, right? No worries. Download this software and select the project above so that when your computer is idle, scientists can use grid computing to perform visual chemistry experiments. It just takes one or two clicks.
Crowd Petition (With Your Signatures)
Support Hunger Striking Inmates
Photo courtesy of Thomas Hawk via photopin cc
This week, 30,000 inmates throughout California refused their meals in an effort to stop deplorable conditions and chronic overcrowding in prisons. What can you do? Push Governor Jerry Brown to take real action. Click here to say you'll DO it.
Crowdfund (With Your Wallets)
(Last Day) Make Cell Phones Into Libraries
Science book from a school in Haiti, with hard-to-read anatomical model
260 million children in the developing world have never owned a book of their own, and 50 percent of schools in Sub-Saharan Africa have very few or no books at all. Library For All aims to disrupt the way knowledge is distributed on a global scale. Read more from founder and GOOD member Tanyella Evans.
(Four Days to Go) Buy a Pack, Give a Pack: A School Supplies Social Enterprise
Pencils are iconic symbols of education, yet they're elusive in many poverty-stricken countries. School supplies company, KITE (Kids Inspiring Tomorrow's Education), aims to give one pencil pack to a school for every pencil pack bought. Read more from the founder, Elizabeth Lang.
(17 Days to Go)Build Edible Urban Neighborhoods, One Nourishmat at a Time
Based on the square foot gardening method, this Nourishmat makes it possible to grow gardens in urban neighborhoods, including food deserts. Read more from co-founder and GOOD member Phil Weiner.
Push progress forward, and do it for our collective good.
Click hereto add crowdsourced projects you can care about to your To-Do list.
Illustration by Jessica De Jesus