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Quantum Hippies

Quantum mechanics and Ayahuasca-induced hallucination: together at last.

Quantum mechanics is all about the relationship between matter and energy. So it's not hard to imagine why the science has been co-opted by a subculture of bong-toting academe-expand your mind, anyone? Scholars (cough) like Daniel Pinchbeck have struck mono-atomic gold with a prophetic philosophy that marries quantum theory and Ayahuasca-induced hallucination, all in an effort to come to grips with what rational materialism neglects: the inexplicable nature of being.

Big Thinker:

Wendy Kopp

We see evidence every day-at every grade level, and in urban and rural communities all across the country-that when children facing the challenges of poverty are given the opportunities they deserve, they excel. This is the truth, and yet those who believe that it is impossible for schools to overcome the challenges of poverty consider it a radical idea. This is the idea I'd like to see our nation's leaders embrace-the idea that with a new approach to education, we can ensure that all of our nation's children, regardless of where they are born, have the opportunity to attain an excellent education.Wendy Kopp is the director of Teach For America (one of GOOD's nonprofit partners).