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Couple’s ‘Infertility Announcements’ Have Fun With A Tough Topic

‘We spent all the dough…still no bun in the oven.’

via Fox 9

After three years of infertility treatments, Spencer and Whitney Blake adopted two lovely sons, a process which they shared with the world on their blog. Recently, the couple was discussing pregnancy announcements they saw on social media and they thought it would be funny to create infertility announcements. “We realize that is not how everyone deals with challenges, but for us personally, for this particular problem, we found that having a sense of humor made infertility a bit more bearable,” they wrote.

According to the National Survey of Family Growth, one in eight couples have difficulty getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. This leads many couples to try in vitro fertilization treatments (IVF) which can cost up to $14,000. In addition to the financial burden, IVF treatments are an emotional rollercoaster that can put major strain on relationships while causing shame, guilt, and anxiety. After enduring such treatments one Idaho couple decided to to help other people dealing with infertility by creating humorous “infertility announcements.”

“People have told us they got a well-needed laugh out of them,” the pair told Buzzfeed. “We hope we’ve been a support to people, just as perfect strangers have been a support to us by sending us emails and messages telling us they appreciated the sentiments.”

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Today, the Spencers have two beautiful boys they adopted in 2012 and 2014.

via Fox 9

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