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The Global DIY Movement: Together We Really Can Be Superheroes

The Do It Yourself Movement will be a force to enable citizens to make a difference in their communities. DIY days are a practical application for it.

My wish for the future is that every being realize that they are superheroes whose actions matter.

The actions of every single being make a difference and every person has the right to take action. Unfortunately, not all have the freedom to do so, so creating that freedom for everyone is one driving force in my work. The DIY movement is a big part of that. It shows that you do not have to depend on other people to accomplish something. I also like how DIYers repurpose material creatively.
If you do it yourself together with others, even if it is not always easy, you will have greater impact and be able to change systems from the bottom up. Wikiformats and new funding methods like crowdfunding and skillshares are great examples of this.
Motivation is a big part of this process. Note the three Ps: Purpose (a goal), Passion (the fuel that drives us) and Pleasure (the emotional reward that matters more than any other currency).
There are many forms of currency and for many people, money is not very high on the scale. Our main currency is time, and people spend time on things they trust. So trust and engagement are values that any organization needs to inspire. Using storytelling for social change can reconfigure educational systems, increase theory of mind, teach people to embrace change and learn from failure, expand our navigation systems, increase social ROI, and create sustainable solutions. New technology is also a great tool. I see technology as an extension of our dendrites, which enables us to create synapses that reach much farther than ever before.
To spread knowledge about all those possibilities and tools we have, I am currently working with Reboot Stories to produce diy days Gothenburg in Sweden on February 2nd (registrations are open here). Founder Lance Weiler often says of diy days that it “ignites the imagination of many.” It also connects people across diverse disciplines, perspectives, and media – and it is at this crossing point that innovation happens.
So from a metacognitive perspective, I see that freedom for all is my Purpose, imagination and creative sparks is my Passion, and the sharing of knowledge, leading to a feeling of empowerment within all diy days participants, is my Pleasure. All that together makes me want to invest time and trust in an awesome initiative like diy days.
Like Buckminster Fuller said, “We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.” So let’s start building, and remember that only our imagination is the limit.

Image courtesy of diy days Gothenburg