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Which Woman Will Be the Face of the New $10 Bill?

The last time a woman appeared on paper currency was 119 years ago. It’s time for change.

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In 1785, the United States Congress adopted the dollar bill as America’s unit of currency. While Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, and Thomas Jefferson have since been featured, it’s been 119 years since a woman last appeared on paper currency. Just last night, the Treasury Department announced a startling change in policy: on the front of the $10 bill, they would put a woman.

As of now, it’s unclear which woman will actually appear on the cover, but speculations abound, ranging anywhere from Rosa Parks to Eleanor Roosevelt. The bill is scheduled to be released in 2020, marking the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote. U.S. Treasury Secretary Jon Lew announced that the government would be encouraging people to submit their suggestions via the hashtag #TheNew10. While organizers have been campaigning to get Jackson off the $20 bill, the $10 bill was scheduled to be updated next, CNN reports.

Image via Wikimedia

Strangely enough, Lew said it’s possible that Hamilton will still be included in the design. He may be the centerpiece of one version of the bill, or actually appear next to the featured woman. It’s unclear whether the bill will actually pass the Bechdel test (Harriet Tubman staring at … Alexander Hamilton?), but either way, it’s an exciting and welcome change.

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