The Week That Was.
The "It Gets Better" anti-bullying video campaign. If you haven't already, check out the compelling plea of a Texas city councilman. Later in the week, President Obama made his version.
Last week, we sponsored a private screening of Waiting for Superman. Afterwards, Ben, our CEO and co-founder, asked Davis, the filmmaker, a few questions.
Escargot for public school lunch? Only in France.
A D.I.Y how-to-change-the-world revolution is underway. We asked Nicholas Kristof a few questions about it.
Should tuition repayment be based on how successful you are?
Shannon Schuyler wrote about getting creative with our education.
Dr. Gabrielle Miller discussed parents holding the power, not Superman.
Finally, Nikhil wrote about D.C. schools serving dinner and Ken Robinson skewering the education system.