File this under what we expected was probably the case but didn't know for sure: Relentless bursts of information impede our ability to focus.
For kids, the toll is even more dire. The New York Timesreports that for children whose brains are still developing, constant use of technolgy makes it difficult to set priorities, among other things:
Connor’s troubles started late last year. He could not focus on homework. No wonder, perhaps. On his bedroom desk sit two monitors, one with his music collection, one with Facebook and Reddit, a social site with news links that he and his father love. His iPhone availed him to relentless texting with his girlfriend.
When he studied, “a little voice would be saying, ‘Look up’ at the computer, and I’d look up,” Connor said. “Normally, I’d say I want to only read for a few minutes, but I’d search every corner of Reddit and then check Facebook.”
Is chronic use of technology making it harder for you to focus? The Times has compiled a handy list of warning signs. I am solidly guilty of three out of seven. How many apply to you?
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