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Will Afghanistan Undo the US like It Undid the USSR?

We certainly hope not. However, a recent Nation piece draws a comparison between Russia in 1989 and the United States today, explaining that, "as the U.S. seems to be experiencing the beginning stages of its imperial implosion, it is also-as the Soviet Union was in the 1980s-enmired in a war without..

We certainly hope not. However, a recent Nation piece draws a comparison between Russia in 1989 and the United States today, explaining that, "as the U.S. seems to be experiencing the beginning stages of its imperial implosion, it is also-as the Soviet Union was in the 1980s-enmired in a war without end in Afghanistan against a ragtag army of Afghan insurgents supported by foreign jihadist volunteers."The writer acknowledges that the analogy is imperfect, but the piece is worth reading-if not for its link to Anand Gopal's report on the failed surge in Afghanistan, then at least for glimpse at the vitriolic user comments.