Thanks Finland for the reminder of how fun traveling can be.
Two clever designs coming out of Finland recently demonstrate how the country is using creativity to inspire travel. Late last year the Finnish government unveiled a remake of their passports to show a moose on the corner of each page. When flipped, it creates an animation of the animal walking. The clever feature is primarily for security and intended to represent Finnish nature, but it's also the coolest interpretation of a passport I've ever seen.
And how to get to your next destination with this new passport in hand? On Finnair, who, in May, debuted the second part of their collaboration with the country's revered design house Marimekko. The latter treated everything from the plane's interior to exterior with a print that mimics Finland's beautiful landscape of lakes and trees. "[It] is a strong statement about the Finnish spirit and the forest-inspired energy that makes Finns tick. The print combines the majesty and fairytale-like magic of the Finnish forest,” said Marimekko's creative director Minna Kemell-Kutvonen of their concept.
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