Pencils up! MSNBC posted a quiz--which it calls "super-tough"--that covers the presidential horse race of the last two years. A few of us took it, and while we disagreed on its relative toughness--and quibbled about whether it had the occasional "gotcha!" question--we were able to agree on one thing: it's time-consuming.Less a test of platforms and policy prescriptions and more a survey of biographical data and he said, she said rhetoric, it is certainly one method of measuring just how clued in you were to this historic election. So, if you have a moment (or several), try the quiz out for yourself; it might jog your memory regarding a few names that may have floated back to the recesses of your brain: Vilsack, Giuliani, Romney, Clinton.Oh, and pay special attention to the last question for a potential coda to this protracted process that Americans should hope to avoid.Photo from Flickr user NinJA999.
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