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Hockey Fans React To Kid Rock’s Upcoming Performance At The NHL All-Star Game

Why would the league ask the intolerant musician to play during ‘Hockey is for Everyone’ month?

The de-evolution of Kid Rock from being the first white dude with a high-top fade, to a Confederate flag-waver, is hardly a topic for serious music historians. But, the man has made quite a leap from playing Detroit hip-hop clubs to Trump-loving country star.

Here’s Kid in the early ‘90s.

Here’s Kid now.

Over the past decade, Kid Rock has grown to represent the negative side of country music. Besides waving Confederate flags, he has made anti-transgender comments from the stage. “Things shouldn’t be this complicated,” he told a crowd in September, “And no, you don’t get to choose because whatever you have between your legs should determine the bathroom that you use.” He has also routinely told his audiences to “fuck Colin Kaepernick.”

Kid Rock also released a line of pro-Trump T-shirts that labeled red states as “America” and blue states as “Dumbfuckistan.”

Having all of this information at its disposal, the National Hockey League decided that Kid Rock should perform during halftime at its All-Star Game on Jan. 28. Not only is this decision unpopular with fans, but his performance falls during the league’s ‘Hockey is for Everyone’ month — a campaign designed to “to drive positive social change and foster more inclusive communities.”

After the league announced its decision on Wednesday, Jan. 18, hockey fans and activists came together on Twitter to condemn the decision.