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‘Walking Dead’ Star Alanna Masterson Calls Out Body Shamers On Instagram

She recently had a baby.

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Alanna Masterson’s season seven return to The Walking Dead this week caused a stir on social media and it wasn’t because of her character’s meeting with a new Oceanside group. The trolls came out to criticize her post-baby body.

The Walking Dead star has been either pregnant or nursing throughout her last two seasons of the popular TV show. So the public should be praising her for taking on such physically demanding work, not shaming her for putting on a few pounds. So Masterson showed that she’s not just a fighter on TV, but a badass mom, too, by sending a message to the haters, along with a beautiful shot of her daughter, on Instagram.

via Instagram

In her post, Masterson showed the trolls just how tough she is in real life, by revealing her grueling on-set routine. “Nursing a baby for a year (and pumping in a van between takes, in the dead of summer in Georgia) is a lot of work, determination, and scheduling…I would LOVE to see any man or woman give birth to a baby, nurse the baby, and then work 17 hour days and NAIL their own stunts.” She then took pride in her weight gain because it was a sign of caring for her daughter. “I would’ve gladly continued to eat enough calories to produce milk for her little bones to grow,” she wrote.

Here’s Masterson’s full post:

Dear Instagram trolls, body shamers, and the men and woman who think it's ok to comment on my weight: I hope that you don't have children. And if you do, I hope you teach them about kindness and acceptance. I hope they learn that it isn’t ok to make fun of people or call people names. I hope one day YOU learn what it takes to be a parent. A kind, selfless parent. A working parent. A parent that puts themselves in someone else’s shoes. Maybe you can’t get it through your thick fucking skull, but nursing a baby for a year (and pumping in a van between takes, in the dead of summer in Georgia) is a lot of work, determination, and scheduling. So before you decide to make a comment about my chest being “too large” or how “fat” I’ve become, just know that this little girl got the best start to life. I wouldn't have changed it for a second. I would've gladly continued to eat enough calories to produce milk for her little bones to grow. Also, grow the fuck up. Your mother should be ashamed for raising such a judgmental bully. I'm sure she knows how “courageous” you must be for trolling and hiding behind your Iphone and computers. P.s. I would LOVE to see any man or woman give birth to a baby, nurse the baby, and then work 17 hour days and NAIL their own stunts. P.s.s. Be kind to each other. We need it now more than ever.

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