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Clinton Jumps To Huge Lead Over Trump In The Polls

This thing may finally be just about over

Folks, this thing may finally be all over but the voting. If you’ve been nervously/excitedly waiting to see how extreme the fallout is after the revelation of that Donald Trump sexual assault tape, we have the first indication and it’s huge.

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC poll shows Clinton with a commanding 11-point lead over Trump, 46 percent to 35 percent. Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson gets 9 percent in that poll, with just 2 percent going to Jill Stein.

Here’s the thing, the lead gets even bigger when it’s just Clinton and Trump head to head, with the Democratic nominee leaping to an enormous 14-point advantage, 52 percent to 38 percent for Trump.

Of course, there are two major caveats here: First of all, the NBC/WSJ polls are solid but it’s still only one poll. Second, the poll was taken before Sunday night’s townhall debate. The early reaction there indicates that most people think Clinton won but that Trump outperformed his admittedly low expectations.

We probably won’t know for another day or two just where the fallout ends. After all, House Majority Leader Paul Ryan just withdrew his support for Trump, which could be a footnote, or the start of a green light for Republicans to abandon their nominee en masse.

But one thing’s for sure: People who don’t want to see Trump become our next president are feeling more confident than ever today.