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Don't Worry, We'll Still Have Sarah Palin to Kick Around Some More

There isn't much left to say about Sarah Palin's bizarre resignation and totally illogical reasoning that hasn't been said over the weekend, but...

There isn't much left to say about Sarah Palin's bizarre resignation and totally illogical reasoning that hasn't been said over the weekend, but here are three quick things:1: Sarah Palin's commentary on lame-duck status: That since it becomes harder to get things done when you are a lame duck, you should just quit. Those who don't are practicing politics as usual. By this logic, George W. Bush should have resigned sometime in 2005, so someone else could have got stuff done. But then, knowing that people would resign well before the end of their actual term, wouldn't the lame-duck period start earlier? And all of this is made even sillier by the fact that Palin was not a lame duck until she decided to not seek reelection, which she seemed to announce at the same time she was resigning. It's like we got to see her entire thought process play out during the course of the speech.2: Since I would like to avoid defamation, all I will say is that the FBI doesn't usually just up and announce that people aren't under investigation. But Sarah Palin is totally not under investigation for anything. Except all the things she was already being investigated for before. But nothing else.3: Usually, if you're proud of something-like, say, a major political decision-you don't announce it on the Friday before a holiday weekend when many people aren't at work. They call that throwing the news out with the trash.But don't worry, Palin may not be running for President in 2012, or 2016 (but let's talk endlessly about the possibilities of both). Regardless, I think she's grown to love the limelight too much, despite her protestations. We'll be hearing from her again sooner than you think. You betcha.

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