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This Hashtag Could Stop Climate Change. Seriously.

Jack Black may be speechless over the #EarthToParis campaign, but world leaders need to hear your voice.

You’ve seen it many times before: A well-intentioned movie star steps in front of the camera and tells you in his or her most impassioned voice what you need to do to make a difference in the world today. Well, Jack Black certainly isn’t your average movie star, and #EarthToParis isn’t your average hashtag campaign.

In this new video, Black barely has time to introduce himself before he’s interrupted by an anonymous voice that silences him and declares, “This is not about a celebrity inspiring you to take part, or a company trying to sell you something.”

From November 30-December 11, leaders and experts from over 190 countries will be in Paris for COP21 to finalize work on a new global climate agreement. Many are saying it’s the most important meeting on climate change so far; one that if successful could offer a real step forward to turn the tide against global warming.

But the only way to ensure these leaders and experts stay on point is if they hear from the everyday activists and leaders who are doing their part. That’s why you can use the #EarthToParis hashtag turn this into the first true internet summit. Help make sure that the talks are truly connected to everyone and don’t become sidetracked by politics and inaction. And you can show your support with your profile picture, too.

Because while this isn’t about the Pope, Jack Black, or even Lil Bub (ok, maybe it’s a little about her), #EarthToParis is definitely about everyone making sure their voices are heard at the world’s biggest summit for doing something real about climate change. Find out more here.

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