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Canadian Prime Minister Announces a Cabinet With 50 Percent Women

Justin Trudeau, a self-proclaimed feminist, is delivering on campaign promises of gender equality.

Turns out Canada’s new prime minister, Justin Trudeau, a self-proclaimed feminist, is not just a pretty face on some capaign posters—he’s also serious about his commitment to gender equality. People are applauding the young, blue-eyed, floppy-haired Canuck leader after he announced his new cabinet, which includes an equal number of men and women. When reporters asked why gender equality was so important to him, he answered, “Because it’s 2015.” Which seems like a really polite way of telling them their questions were stupid and ill conceived.

“It’s important to be here before you today to present to Canada a cabinet that looks like Canada,” he told reporters, probably flashing one of his signature smiles as he delivered the line.

And while it’s still a largely white cabinet, Trudeau’s team also includes three Sikh politicians, two aboriginal parliamentarians, and an Afghan-Canadian member, a 30-year old woman named Maryam Monsef. Monsef arrived in Canada from Afghanistan with her family 20 years ago, claiming refugee status. She has since built an illustrious political career, eventually being chosen to represent the Liberal Party in federal elections and winning.

“The more diverse your organization, your board, or, in this case, cabinet, the more it reflects the realities of the population we are serving," Monsef said to Huffington Post Canada. "That can only be a good thing."

Trudeau says this is the team he needs to fulfill his campaign promise—including his goal to accept 25,000 Syrian refugees into Canada before the year is over.

“This is going to be a period of slight adjustment for a number of people in the political world in Canada because government by cabinet is back,” he said. “We are going to sit down, around the cabinet table, and talk about the solutions (we) need to put forward, what’s in the best interest of Canadians, and how we’re going to deliver on the promises Canadians quite rightly expect us to keep.”