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Single Mother Dresses Like A Man To Attend A Dads-Only Event

So she became his father

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Single moms can do anything. Not only do they have to take care of the never-ending duties that come with raising a child, but they have to double up and handle responsibilities normally left to fathers. Last week, a single mother in Texas earned kudos from the Internet after taking her single-mom job a step further by becoming her son’s dad.

Yevette Vasquez of Forth Worth, Texas is the single mother of three sons. Last week, while driving her 12-year-old son, Elijah, to class she noticed the school’s parking lot was fuller than usual. “I normally drop him off early and sit with him in the car until the bell rings,” Vasquez told BuzzFeed. “When I asked him why so many other people were there early that day, he said, ‘It’s just Donuts with Dads.’ ” Donuts with Dads is a morning get-together where fathers and sons can have breakfast before class. The school holds a Muffins with Mothers event as well.

“I could’ve dressed like your dad,” Vasquez told her son jokingly and he loved the idea. So they drove back home and Vasquez put on a fake moustache, baseball hat, and threw a chain wallet in her back pocket. “At that moment when I did it, it was a spur-of-the-moment decision so he wouldn’t feel left out,” she said. “I didn’t think much about it as we were getting ready, it all happened so fast.” Just about everyone at the Donuts for Dad loved Vasquez’s outfit. She stayed for about 20 minutes taking photos with other parents and her son’s teacher.

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“We went to the front office first and asked where the donuts were, and we got a great reaction at first,” Vasquez said. “Kids were throwing themselves on the floor laughing, and most of the dads were very receptive, saying I was a great mom and I was doing an awesome job.” The folks at her son’s school weren’t the only people who loved Vasquez’s transformation. After she posted her story on Faceboook, it has has received over 19,000 likes and 6,000 shares.

Here’s the caption from her post:

Good morning, today at my son Elijah’s skewl as I was dropping him off i ask him why there was so many cars... He said Donuts with Dad, so we quickly went back home cause I wasn’t about to let him miss out..... I know seeing other dads with there kids isn't easy for mine but its life, at least I can do whatever it takes to put a smile on that face, so here it goes..... and please don't hate I know I’m a woman an so do my sons lol #ilovehim #wegettingthemdonuts #noexcuses

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