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The Munchies Never Felt So Good

How often do you find yourself munching? A snack after lunch, after dinner, or at 2 a.m. because you can’t sleep so why the heck not?

Lucky for all of us, brands like Whole Foods Market are making it easier than ever to munch with purpose. Conscious businesses are beginning to understand their higher purpose and empowering shoppers to really make a difference with our dollars.
Cue the Whole Foods Market Whole Trade Guarantee (WTG) program as a great example. Imagine fair trade but with an added bonus. Whole Trade products meet strict quality standards, provide more money to producers, ensure better wages and working conditions for farm workers, environmentally-friendly growing conditions and cap it off by donating 1 percent of proceeds to the Whole Planet Foundation.
Whole Planet Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Whole Foods Market whose mission is to alleviate poverty through microcredit. If you’re not familiar with the concept, microcredit is small loans to the poor—usually about $200. This access to capital allows them to invest in the own small, home-based business and generate income for themselves.


Because microloans focus mainly on women, this income is typically used to send children to school, pay for clothing or repair the family home. While microcredit isn’t a silver bullet solution to poverty, this investment in the family helps future generations to prosper and opens up opportunities.
So, we’ve all heard the fair trade elevator pitch more times that we can count. You know that you should be buying this tea or that, drinking this coffee and not that one, and indulging in that dark chocolate bar, but popcorn… what about popcorn?
If the thought of eating Cinnamon Sugar, Black & White Drizzle or Caramel popcorn excites you, then you’re in for a treat.
Popcorn Indiana has ensured that their products are superior AND are doing good by being part of the Whole Trade program. They’re helping you snack and you don’t even have to feel bad about this one.
While munching on some caramel popcorn may be grounds for an extra mile on your weekend run or taking the long way home on your bike, here are 5 ways to munch and feel good about it:
• Host a movie night with your friends or get to know your neighbor (hellllloo, April 27th) because who couldn’t use an excuse to watch The Breakfast Club again
• Stock your snack drawer (you know you have a stash)
• Start a food fight
• Make a snack mix for your hungry coworkers and spread the love.
• Make art and natural decoration

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