With the long awaited debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden mere hours away, various media outlets are on the look-out for what's to come.BBC, that venerable institution that buffers its American news with Atlantic-sized critical distance,
expects gaffes. It cites, among other things, Biden's anachronistic Roosevelt-TV-stock-market-crash meltdown and Palin's oft-evasively-vague answers to specific questions as fodder. More after the jump.Fox News rightly questions whether Palin is up against even more media bias than usual given Gwen Ifill's current book project, ultimately concluding
that a slant may work to the governor's advantage. Also on the topic of the moderator, Hot Air explains that
while Palin has to attack assumptions behind Ifill's questions, Biden has the more difficult task: giving "the appearance of jabbing while trying to throw haymakers."Politico expects Palin to be the one who
comes out swinging.NYTimes juxtaposes
the debate with 1984's Ferraro-Bush confrontation, the most-watched veep debate in history.Radar, also referencing 1984, concludes that Palin has the debate in the bag, so long as she "
shows up" and doesn't "emit a long string of drool from her mouth when asked a question."Finally, Jezebel
takes a more creative approach, positing that Biden won't wear pants.What do you expect?
UPDATE: Gawker weighs in to "
disagree with everyone on earth," assured of a Biden victory. NYTimes bolsters its coverage with
a bunch of deep-probing veep-questions from big thinkers. The questions are surely better than the ones we'll hear tonight, and are definitely worth a read. Spoiler alert: the editors don't include imagined answers.