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Heartbreaking photos taken at the same place 15 years apart are like Earth's cry for help

The drastic differences in the two pictures show the urgent need to treat the planet with more care.

Heartbreaking photos taken at the same place 15 years apart are like Earth's cry for help
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Denis Linine

Taking "then vs. now" photos offers a unique glimpse into the past and present, showcasing the journey of individuals and relationships. But sometimes, these photos reveal shocking changes we couldn't have predicted. Duncan Porter, known as @misterduncan on X, recreated a photo from 15 years ago with his partner in front of the Rhone Glacier in Switzerland. While the image of the couple growing together is touching, what really caught the internet's attention was the striking difference in the background.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Denis Linine
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Denis Linine

Fifteen years ago, Porter's photo showed a vast, snow-covered glacier. Now, the new photo is a stark contrast, revealing mostly barren mountains with barely any snow left. The glacier has melted so significantly that the current scene looks almost unrecognizable. This dramatic change sadly highlights the impacts of climate change. "Fifteen years minus one day between these photos. Taken at the Rhone glacier in Switzerland today. Not gonna lie, it made me cry," Porter wrote in his post.


While the unbelievable difference shook many, it goes without saying that the climate has suffered immeasurably over the last few years. @FlyGuyInTheSky remarked, “People will still try and deny climate change is happening.” @jaideeparora_ added, “That just breaks my heart! The consequences of our actions are all around us and yet we choose to look the other way.” @ElecNotes noted, “That is so sad and an indication of how we need to take global warming far more seriously.”



A few people suggested that the melting glaciers may be more positive than one thinks. @BobPartridge16 suggested, “The world is gradually naturally warming making it much better for life. The planet is greening. Fossil fuels, human activities and imaginary man-made global warming/climate change have nothing to do with it.” @ZeusRadls wrote, “A warm world is a better world. The Neanderthals would agree if the ice age hadn’t taken them out. We are in an interglacial period. At its peak, there will be very few glaciers.  Look at the last interglacial period. It was warmer and greener.”



Although there are mixed opinions, the Swiss glaciers have been rapidly receding due to global warming, per DW. Studies pointed out that the glaciers surprisingly lost more ice in 2 years than in decades between 1960 and 1990. These baffling results have caused some smaller glaciers in different areas to even disappear. The low snowfall and high summers have been the cause of an extremely high record of snow melting in the last few years. The study also pointed out that glaciers were in a state of equilibrium until the last few years. It is safe to say that the glaciers are receding at a faster pace than regular and there is a need to be more conscious.

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