Golf isn’t a sport that’s known for its excitement or innovation, but when you get trick shot experts involved, the game becomes something altogether different that you won’t be able to turn away from.
The group behind this large-scale effort, Allstars Sports Bar in Bristol, England, isn’t new to these sorts of things. Last year, they put together a very impressive Christmas trick shot. This year’s project ran a little behind schedule, so it’s being a dubbed a “New Year” trick shot. But it appears as though the extra time spent concocting and implementing this monstrosity has paid off.
The “shot” (which I guess is technically a golf shot, but veers into so many other sports that it’s hard to keep that in mind) uses nine pool tables, a staircase, and some soccer acumen to get from start to finish. If you’re wondering how a golf shot traverses not one, not two, but nine pool tables, well...that’s why we embedded the video. Take a look:
Because these things are done for the sake of views and virality these days, it's got the requisite hashtag (#puttoftheyear) as well. As wonderful as this Rube Goldberg-type contraption is, if you’re listening to the video with the sound off, you’re missing out on the icing on the cake – the soundtrack. It seems to be a ten-second riff that simply repeats, but it meshes perfectly with the absurdity of what we’re watching.
Further, if you happen to be in the market for a sports bar while in Bristol, may I suggest Allstars? If you watched that video, I’d say you owe them a round or two if you’re in the neighborhood.