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A Trucker With A Ridiculously Large Payload May Have Executed The Most Impressive Right Turn In History

The trailer was designed and built especially for moments like this.

If you’ve ever driven close to a wind turbine, you know that they’re absolutely massive in scale and numbers. To install these eco-friendly devices, they first must be deconstructed into smaller pieces for transport by truck to the often remote areas where they’re installed. But as this video shows, even the “smaller” parts present a logistical nightmare for truckers on small, tight roads leading up to the installation sites.

The video asserts the trailer behind this trucker is a staggering 200 feet long, accommodating a turbine blade that’s 197 feet and far from optimal when negotiating the varied terrain of the Scottish Highlands. However, this trucker makes short work of an impossible-looking right turn onto a narrow bridge.


Their cause is helped by the fact that the payload and trailer are situated high enough that they can clear the railing above the bridge, but that’s not to take anything away from this amazing feat of driving and — after watching how this truck turns — engineering that allows important deliveries such as this to reach what would likely have been previously inaccessible locales.

While the driver identity is not known (as of the time of publication), the credit on the technological side of things is due to Nooteboom Trailers, a Dutch firm that created the SWC – the Super Wing Carrier — designed specifically to accommodate such close quarters with unwieldy wind farm payloads.

The delivery was just one of many to a wind farm construction site located at the Garrogie Estate near Fort Augustus.

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