Black holes have fascinated humanity since the dawn of space exploration. The mystery of what lies inside or beyond them has sparked endless curiosity. Are they just voids of darkness, or do they hide entire worlds? Many theories have emerged over the years. According to BBC Science Focus, some theories link black holes to the concepts of time and gravity, suggesting that time may behave differently within these cosmic phenomena. One idea even posits that a black hole could contain distant regions of the universe that remain invisible to us.
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According to JSTOR DAILY, some theories suggest that entering a black hole could lead to a wormhole, transporting you to an unknown part of space. The intense gravity of a black hole can warp space-time, making this possible. JSTOR uses a simple analogy: imagine the universe as a sheet of paper. If the paper is folded, its ends touch. An object on the paper may seem to have traveled a great distance when the paper is unfolded. Similarly, if a wormhole connects two points in space-time, a traveler could end up in a different time or place entirely.
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anthony DeRosa
This concept is closely related to Einstein’s understanding of wormholes as described in the Theory of General Relativity. He proposed that wormholes could link different universes instead of just different parts of the same universe. Adding to the paper analogy, if two points, one on each sheet of paper are pulled together due to an object, it would be able to cross over from one point on one sheet to the other. Since each point on a different sheet indicates a different universe, an object at the connection point can cross into a completely separate universe.
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Kelly
While we have moved beyond the earlier notion that a black hole is simply pitch-black matter and nothing more, there is still no concrete evidence to support these theories. It is understood that a person would be crushed and destroyed if they were to fall into a black hole. The force of gravity wouldn’t let them remain in the same condition they were in. So, even if a person could pass through to a different part of the universe or a different universe altogether, they would likely be sucked in and ejected from one point to another — a rather unsettling and undesirable outcome. Further studies are expected to be able to finally crack the mystery of black holes.