For anyone who has never heard sound before, it’s hard to imagine just how joyous and overwhelming it must be to experience it for the first time. To hear the voices of your loved ones, the bark of your dog, or the sound of waves crashing on the shore has to be euphoric. So when Angie Diaz had her cochlear implant turned on for the first time and heard her boyfriend propose, there’s no question why she burst into tears.
When Diaz came to see Dr. Vicki Gonzales at the Mississippi Medical Center, she was accompanied by her boyfriend, Kevin Peakman, and her mother. After her doctor turned on her cochlear implant, Diaz was surprised, excited, and freaked out all at the same time. If that wasn’t overwhelming enough, her boyfriend then dropped to one knee and proposed. “I love you so much and you’re my best friend, baby,” Peakman said. “I wanted to make the first thing you hear me asking you to marry me,” he said as he handed her the ring. “Yes,” Diaz replied. “I like the ring. I can hear your voice!” Peakman had waited until she got her implant so that some of the first words she ever heard would be his proposal.
(H/T The Independent)