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Exploring the Alphabet With LSD and ABCs

Forget everything you knew about letters in this brilliant alphabet animation.

W is for Whoop; B is for Boring; D is for Dim Sum. So says the brilliant new animation "LSD ABC's," created by Laura Sicouri and Kadavre Exquis.

"Forget everything you knew about letters!"—the collaborators encourage, as they take us through an absurd, beautifully rendered short film exploring the english language. Anyone reading this post likely has a firm grasp on the alphabet, but Sicouri and Exquis—who took a year to make the film—introduce it in the most fun way possible, making me wish I had this to watch when I was a school girl still learning my A-B-C's. Then again, I'm not sure how my parents would have felt if I learned from a video that L is for Liquor by watching a generous pour of whiskey; or that X is for X-rated movie…
