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Jeweler Donates Proceeds From Ivanka Trump Purchase To Hillary Clinton

They made a campaign donation with the proceeds

via Flickr user (cc) Ruperto Miller

GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, will get surprise in the mail when the gold helix ear cuff she ordered from Brooklyn jeweler Lady Grey arrives. It’s a note from the jeweler telling her just where the proceeds from the sale will go, and they’re not going to her father’s campaign.

Dear Ivanka,

Thank you so much for your web order!

We’re happy to let you know that the proceeds of your sale have been generously donated to the American Immigration Council, the Everytown for Gun Safety organization and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

We hope you enjoy your new Lady Grey #helixcuff.

Best, Jill and Sabine

via Instagram

“The note was included in her package and shipped last week directly from our studio in Brooklyn,” the company’s co-owner Jill Martinelli told The Cut. “While we were flattered to receive an order from Ivanka Trump, our social and political views couldn’t be further from those of the Trump campaign. When we received her order, we instantly felt compelled to take the money and donate it to a few organizations that were more aligned with our ideals.”

Although Ivanka is said to be her father’s closest advisor, her presence in his campaign is more than incongruous. She’s refined, cautious, and goes out of her way to avoid any controversy. Plus, it’s odd that she would work on a Republican campaign because she has given thousands of dollars to Democrats over her lifetime. But, in the end, she can’t have it both ways. Ivanka Trump openly supports a man with bigoted and dangerous ideas and shouldn’t be sheltered from the consequences of her actions.

Here’s the classy piece of bling she bought from Lady Grey. It retails for $84.

via Lady Grey

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