Late at night, riding down a darkened street, a biker can easily disappear from a distracted driver's line of sight. Bike lanes are often...
Late at night, riding down a darkened street, a biker can easily disappear from a distracted driver's line of sight. Bike lanes are often nonexistent or simply ignored. But what if bikers could create their own brightly-lit lanes as they ride?
One new design, called the Bike Zone, projects lights a meter away from the bike, giving drivers an obvious way to stay at a safe distance. The light also works as a flashing turn signal.
Another recent design projects two red lights along either side of the bike, creating a more literal bike lane. The Xfire safety light is visible even in the glare of headlights and streetlights.
First and second image via Frank Guo, Hung Wang, and Stuart Morrow; third image via Xfire.