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Restaurant Owner In Canada Gives Free Meals To Those In Need

He learned about hunger growing up in new Delhi

Recently, GOOD reported on an Indian business owner who set a refrigerator outside of her restaurant so her diners could leave their leftovers for hungry people in the neighborhood. Now, a man who emigrated from New Delhi, India to Canada is spreading the same spirit of by allowing people who can’t afford a meal to eat in his restaurant for free. Meet Parkash Chhibber (the gentleman pictured center), owner of Edmonton, Alberta’s Indian Fusion restaurant.

Chibber opened Indian Fusion in 2009 and has been giving away free meals for the past two years. Six months ago, he hung a sign on the restaurant’s door advertising free meals which reads, “Dear friends, if you are hungry and have no money to pay, just ring the bell below or come in for a free meal box/coffee any time,” and after photos of the sign were posted on Imgur they’ve been seen over two million times. On the average day, three to ten people will come to the restaurant in need of a meal. “I can not say how many we served but I feel we should have reached more people,” he told The Huffington Post.

Chhibber learned the value of generosity after being helped following a serious accident. “I have seen enough hunger in the past,” Chhibber says. “I know the pain of not having food.” He was injured in 1992 after being hit by a car while sitting at a bus stop in New Delhi, India. He suffered nine fractures and lost his job. He and his wife depended on the kindness of friends in order to eat and the experience led him to help others when they started their new lives in Canada.