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The Life Expectancy of the Future Is Infinity

According to a new study, life expectancy continues to rise in the developed world. Half the British babies born in 2007, for example, will likely live to see their 103rd birthdays; half of the babies born in Japan that year will live to see their 107th. This longevity is not without its problems, however, as chronic diseases and cancer rates will stay high as people live longer (though we do have better care than at previous points in history). And while growing numbers of elderly citizens does pose problems for the welfare of states, there is one intriguing solution: shorter work weeks. The Danish authors of the study write:The 20th century was a century of redistribution of income. The 21st century could be a century of redistribution of work. Redistribution would spread work more evenly across populations and over the ages of life. Individuals could combine work, education, leisure and child rearing in varying amounts at different ages.It's all terribly fascinating-especially considering our current health care conundrums. What's more, the authors believe that "the linear increase in record life expectancy for more than 165 years does not suggest a looming limit to human lifespan." Here that, Ray?