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The GOOD 100: The Center for Biological Diversity

Endanger Is Their Middle Name If you've ever wondered how the polar bear became the de facto global-warming mascot, look no further than the...

Endanger Is Their Middle Name

If you've ever wondered how the polar bear became the de facto global-warming mascot, look no further than the remarkably effective (and still largely unknown) Center for Biological Diversity. For the past 20 years, the environmental organization has proven that good old-fashioned petitions still have the power to make an impact-especially when those petitions are followed up by press releases, phone calls, media blitzes, and bulletproof lawsuits (it has won more than 90 percent of the 500 cases it has mounted). This year, look for the CBD to help push through the climate bill, address overpopulation, and, as always, continue trumpeting the cause of endangered species.