Fighting piracy with free films: Sony Pictures UK has uploaded "The Godfather," one of America's most beloved films, to YouTube.
Netflix already does the streaming thing wonderfully, which has forced YouTube to try its hand at offering features. Things were off to a so-so start for YouTube, but today comes possibly the greatest coup yet for the video site's feature-film streaming that's also a blow to movie pirates everywhere. As of only hours ago, Sony Pictures UK uploaded The Godfather, one of the most important movies in history, to YouTube, where you can now watch all three hours for free (you can also watch it here, as we've embedded it below).
It's certainly a counterintuitive way to fight piracy, but it's guaranteed to work better than blindly suing movie downloaders, who continue to maraud film releases despite the threats.
Update: YouTube has apparently pulled the account associated with this film for "impersonating another user." Emails to Sony Pictures for an explanation haven't been returned.