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Graffiti Artists Turned This School Dormitory Into A Work Of Art

Why can’t every dorm look like this?

This summer, school administrators at the Cité Internationale Universitaire in Paris decided to get a little creative with several buildings due for major renovations. In conjunction with the Rehab 2 Festival, graffiti artists let loose on the space, creating intricate murals, elaborate scenery, and almost too-real portraits spanning entire hallways. With just three weeks to complete their projects, the artists turned around visually stunning masterpieces that might cause you to rethink the benefit of the school’s renovation plans.

According to My Modern Met, locals are able to view the incredible display for a month before construction workers begin their own, more formal improvements. Luckily for those of us who can’t make it to Paris in time, Jonk of Jonk Photography shared photos of the transformed space on Facebook for our viewing pleasure. If you ever fantasized about going to an alien-infested spaceship to learn algebra, now’s your chance to see that vision come to life. Check out the photos above to see what I mean.