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Taunting Or Apologizing? LaVar Ball Sent Donald Trump A Pair Of His Big Baller Sneakers.

This is the latest shot fired in the feud between the loudmouth dad and loudmouth president.

In the feud between loudmouth basketball dad LaVar Ball and loudmouth President Donald Trump, it’s anyone’s guess as to who will get that last word in.

Neither party demonstrates much in the way of restraint, and just when it seemed like things were settling down following Trump’s purported intervention in the matter, it looks like LaVar couldn’t help but take another shot.

Has Trump met his match when it comes to strong-headed pettiness? Perhaps.

But let’s back up.

While visiting China on a UCLA basketball trip in November, Ball’s son LiAngelo was arrested with two other teammates for shoplifting. Trump claimed shortly thereafter that he was solely responsible for LiAngelo’s release.

LaVar Ball was quick to reply with a characteristic and dismissive “Who?” when told Trump took action.

That didn’t sit well with Trump, who did what he always does … tweeted.

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Three days went by as Ball’s ungrateful response festered, prompting Trump to tweet yet again on the matter.

Ball, somehow the voice of reason in this ridiculous back-and-forth, said to Chris Cuomo on CNN, "If you help, you shouldn't have to say anything. Let him do his political affairs and let me handle my son and let's just stay in our lane."

That’s … actually good advice. With those words the last spoken on the matter, it’s perhaps possible that Ball’s most recent move — the gifting of a pair of $495 Big Baller Brand shoes to Trump — is an earnest appeal, rather than further taunting. Of course, when Ball announced the shipment to Trump, he said it was so the president could “calm down a little bit.”

So here we are. Is there any chance that this feud will resolve itself in a civil matter? It’s Trump’s move now, so … probably not.