Calling all innovators, leaders, and tastemakers invested in all-things-food: GOOD Maker and Awesome Food, the Food Chapter of The Awesome Foundation for the Arts and Sciences, have paired up to find out how you would rethink food. Do you have ideas on how to innovate your community's food system?
Through the Make Food More Awesome challenge, we're seeking innovative, socially-minded projects and solutions addressing how we interact with food today. Think broadly! Ideas can range from hosting community dinner parties for charity, to setting up pop-up cafes, to using a public art project to generate dialogue on nutrition, health, and body image. Are you spreading the word that food stamps can be used to buy seeds and food-producing plants? Do you drive a truck farm to low-income communities to educate youth about urban farming? We want to hear your project ideas!
Submit your idea to GOOD Maker from now to August 22 (noon Pacific Time). Our judges will select which applicants will pass to the voting round. From August 23 to September 6, the ideas will be open to public voting. The winning idea will win a tour of the Food Network and lunch with an Awesome Trustee. All submissions with 50 votes or more will advance to the final round of judging by Awesome Food’s Trustees for a chance to win a $1,000 grant.
Interested in participating in upcoming Challenges on GOOD Maker? Drop us a line at maker[at]goodinc[dot]com, sign up for our email list, or check out the current challenges on GOOD Maker.