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GOOD Maker Challenge: Nominate an Animal Shelter to Win $10K

Tell us about the inspiring ways an animal shelter is helping rescue pets find homes and you can help it win a $10,000 grant.

This post is brought to you by Purina ONE® beyOnd®

The GOOD community is full of animal lovers. We share pictures of our cute rescue dogs, we pamper them them while we save on ourselves, and we experience an immeasurable joy in sometimes surprising ways with their companionship. We partnered with Purina ONE® beyOnd® to help more animals find a happy home via the Shine a Light on a Shelter challenge. We're asking the GOOD community to help a deserving animal shelter win a $10,000 grant. Just tell us a story about how your favorite shelter could use the grant to help change perceptions about rescue pets and place more animals in good homes.

??Entries for the Shine a Light on a Shelter challenge will be accepted from June 28 to July 30 (noon Pacific Time). From July 30 to August 6 (noon Pacific Time), a panel of judges will select the top 40 submissions. From August 6 to August 20 we’ll open it up to public voting. Rally your colleagues and friends to get behind your effort and join the GOOD community in selecting the winner.

??Interested in participating in upcoming Challenges on GOOD Maker? Drop us a line at maker[at]goodinc[dot]com, sign up for our email list, or check out the current challenges on GOOD Maker.

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