No matter how many #MeToo or feminist movements may rumble and resound, a major segment of the world today remains male-dominated. If someone takes a time machine and travels back millions of years ago, they’ll see that the world has always been this way. Sexism runs deep in our society and it is hard to change. A woman, who goes as u/Sadie3586478 on Reddit, shared evidence of this with a post. Despite that she is a full-time working professional, her husband introduced her to his colleagues omitting her first name and referring to her as a “housewife.” The man is being roasted by people for being a “raging misogynist.”
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Olly
“AITA for laughing hysterically after my husband called me ‘housewife’ and embarrassing him in front of coworkers?” The woman asked the Redditors in the caption. Detailing in the post, she related that one evening her husband invited his new co-workers over for dinner. When they came around, he gestured to the wife and introduced her as “Mrs. Smith,” while telling his colleagues that she was a “housewife.”
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Nicole Michalou
She looked at him for a second, obviously shocked, then, started laughing hysterically. "No honey, I work full time and yes, I still act like a housewife when I'm home because you simply can't bother to help," she told her hubby in what seemed like a blunt yet clap-worthy comeback. For a few moments, his co-workers stared at him. They tried to change the conversation topic, but when things became too awkward, they just proceeded to have drinks.
Representative Image Source: Unsplash | Artur Vozenko
Once the co-workers left, the husband lashed out at the wifey saying that she “embarrassed him by laughing like a lunatic” and also “ruined his image” by making an obnoxious comment about him. She told him he was the one who started this by denying her status and degree, so what did she do wrong if she only tried to stand up for herself?
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vera Arsic
He argued that they could have talked it out privately instead of making him look like a “useless” person in front of his colleagues. “He stormed off and has been quiet the entire night,” the woman said, concluding the post. She asked the Redditors whether she did anything “out of line” in standing up for herself and speaking the truth. The Redditors totally came to her support.
With 24,000 upvotes and 1,900 comments, people are pouring scornful comments on the man who acted in a purely “sexist” manner. “Maybe husband shouldn't be a ‘raging misogynist,’” commented u/persephonetheog. Also, u/geranium27 was totally taken aback by the woman’s story. She wrote in a comment, “Men who diminish their partners to look better at the office are gross. He only seemed to care about his embarrassment, and not yours. I'd be mortified if my husband used a lie that robbed me of my success and accomplishments to prop himself up.” Being a housewife is not an inferior status, but denying the true status of one's wife is inferior.
Image Source: Reddit | u/changecat2
Many people called out the man’s behavior as a red flag of their marital relationship. u/arbor_arabicae went on to tell the woman, “Sadly, you are married to someone who is both immature and needs to tell lies to make himself look good. I'd be taking another look at this marriage if I were you. You deserve better.” u/chagle77 stated, “Your spouse seems to have forgotten you’re in a partnership and it’s 2022.” u/bluecarnallove suggested, “There's nothing wrong with being a housewife, but in this situation, it was 100% used as a way to make you seem lesser than him. He didn't even use your name for Christ's sake. He got exactly what he deserved. NTA, but please don't have kids with this guy. He's already not pulling his weight; you shouldn't add more to your plate.”
Image Source: Reddit | u/desc440