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Incredible video shows people speaking in 65 accents of the English language

Different accents are like colors that decorate the palette of the globe as the people in the video display.

Incredible video shows people speaking in 65 accents of the English language
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels
Mc Cutcheon

Accents reflect the unique ways people speak, and with over 8 billion people on the planet, those differences are endless. Some say “toe-may-toe,” others “toh-maa-toh.” Some say “Koh-fee,” while others prefer “Kaw-fee.” Rooted in geography, culture, and social interaction, these diverse accents make the world a more vibrant place. Dan Vineberg, a vlogger known as The New Travel on YouTube, captured this diversity in a video featuring 65 distinct English accents—and it’s nothing short of impressive.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Shvets ProductionRepresentative Image Source: Pexels | Shvets Production

English is spoken worldwide, with an estimated 1.46 billion speakers in 2023—about 1 in every 5 people, according to WordRated. Yet, how it's spoken varies greatly by region. Dan’s video offers a global journey through these accents, capturing the diversity of English as spoken in different corners of the world. “A collection of English accents that I filmed in interviews, between 2019 – 2024,” he wrote in the video caption.


In the video, Dan is behind the camera interviewing 65 random people, asking them where they're from and how many languages they speak. While some people go on to say that they speak up to three languages, others say they can speak barely one. For his interviews, Dan included both native English speakers as well as non-native ones, the people who picked it up as a second, third, or even fourth language. There were also the people who were just beginning to grasp the basics of the language. Overall, the video showed English accents ranging from Irish to British, from Punjabi to French, from Chinese to Scottish, from Mexican to German, and from Japanese to Italian, among others.


Different accents not only serve as social markers but also epitomize the harmony that exists in the world despite that it brims with diversity. Accents not only depict diversity but also heritage.

So, no wonder, over 3,000 people shared their comments on Dan’s video, writing how good they felt watching it. “This video reminded me how different people are from each other and for some reason it makes me happy,” commented @rena-b5r. @mars-pb2yh added, “I freaking love these types of videos where we can just see how diverse our planet is and much cultural value is held by these people.” Reflecting upon a deeper insight, @nostalgicrazy said, “We need more of these to remind the world we're all just people learning and living the best we can. You can see how their faces light up when they talk about or in their language. Wish the world was always this easygoing!”