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This Goalie’s Performance Was So Bad, He Got Arrested

His team suffered an almost unbelievably lopsided loss

Marco Kwiotek surrendered a goal early against PSV Oberhausen. Then he gave up another. And then another. And yet another.

By the end of the match, the goaltender for German soccer club SV Vonderort had allowed a staggering 43 goals.

“I want to forget this game as soon as possible,” Kwiotek told Express, a media outlet based in Cologne, Germany.

But the local authorities weren’t about to let that happen.

Five days after the 43-0 shellacking, police officers showed up at the team’s practice and arrested the 25-year-old goaltender.

“They just want to clear some things up,” Kwiotek allegedly said upon being detained, but the team isn’t even clear on why the goalie was taken into custody.

“We are in the dark. The police won’t tell us what happened and we cannot reach Marco on his mobile,” said Christian Schröer, SV Vonderort’s managing director. “Hopefully he will be back for the next game.” Kwiotek reportedly was released from custody after several hours.

At one point during the match, SV Vonderort’s side was down to eight players, so PSV Oberhausen—already up 35-0—took three of their own players off the field to match. Among the reasons for SV Vonderort being short three players was that one had simply decided to go home during match—and considering the score, it’s hard to blame him.

“The result of the last match was hard to take,” Kwiotek said. “I don’t want to see that happen again.”

It remains to be seen whether he will get the chance. Meanwhile, the rest of the club looks ahead. “We're going to show everybody that we are not so bad,” Schröer said after his team’s loss against Oberhausen, the top team in the division.

Still, not everyone is stressed over the result. Said team trainer Yvonne Leisenfeld, “The game does not pursue me in my sleep.”

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