Larry Mitchell is fed up with racists telling him and other African-Americans to “Go back to Africa.” So he’s asking them to put their money where their mouth is and pay for his dream vacation to the continent. Recently, the 41-year-old forklift driver from Kokomo, Indiana couldn’t believe the racist hate and venom he saw on the Internet after Philando Castile and Alton Sterling were killed by police officers. “It kind of shocked me, because we just celebrated Fourth of July and to come back the next week and see people saying ‘Go Back to Africa,’ ” Mitchell told The New York Daily News. “If you want me to go ‘back’ to Africa, then pay for it.”
So Mitchell put together a GoFundMe page where he has no qualms about accepting donations from racists who want him to go back to Africa. Although Mitchell, an Indiana native, has never stepped foot on the continent. On the page he openly invites the Ku Klux Klan, skinheads, or any other like-minded individuals to pony up and donate to the cause. “Money is green,” he told The New York Daily News. “They take our money every day.”
Here’s a snippet from his GoFundMe page.
Send me “back” to Africa fund... If you want me to go back to Africa I will gladly go... you can help make your dream and mine come true... accepting all donations... KKK, Skinheads and anyone else with like mind thinking are welcome to donate... Thank you.. God bless you and America... #putyourmoneywhereyourhateis
Mitchell’s original attempt was to ask racists to pay for his trip, but his donors seem to be well-wishers hoping to make his dream come true. There’s only one negative comment on his page from a donor named fedup whiteguy who gave a paltry $5 saying “you better not come back.” Although Mitchell doesn’t think he’ll reach his ultimate goal of $100,00, if he does, he fully intends on taking his trip. We hope he takes wonderful pictures.