Each day from Dec. 14 through Dec. 25, GOOD Sports will feature a worthy school athletic program in need of funding.
David Osborne, a math teacher at Jasper High School in Jasper, Missouri, also coaches the school softball team. The school serves a rural community of roughly 1,000 blue-collar citizens, and more than half of the students come from low-income households.
The athletic programs lack the funds for proper equipment, so Osborne has turned to DonorsChoose.org in hopes of raising the $242 needed to supply the team with weighted balls, a net, and a bag.
As Osbourne explains:
“We are a very rural community that works very hard for what we have. Most of my students' parents are blue collar workers that are very proud to be part of the working class; my students share their parents' work ethic.”
At the time this story was posted, the team was $180 short of their goal.
Please consider supporting this project or another school athletic program in need.