It seems like it’s been a while since anyone was talking about how awesome Michelle Obama is. To remind us that she is indeed awesome, she recently opened the 2015 Special Olympic World Games with a speech declaring her and POTUS’s pride and love for the Olympians who set an example for millions of viewers. Her speech starts at about 3:30, but her introduction from a former athlete Tim Harris is not to be missed.
Michelle Obama Opens the 2015 Special Olympics, Reminds Us She’s Awesome
Let’s talk about how awesome Michelle Obama is. It’s been too long.
By Doug PattersonAug 12, 2015
Doug Patterson
Doug is a writer and producer from Ohio. After taking films to Sundance and SXSW as an associate producer, he helped develop and produce Amazon's "Transparent." He joined GOOD in 2015 to write and produce content.