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Single mom finds out son called a girl ‘ugly’, decides to teach him lesson in decency

When mom heard her son had been sending rude messages to a girl, she leaped to action.

Single mom finds out son called a girl ‘ugly’, decides to teach him lesson in decency
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels
Kindel Media

Parents play a crucial role in guiding their children and correcting them when they make mistakes. While some disciplinary measures may seem tough, they often serve an important purpose. When Samm Jane (@sammjane2) discovered that her son had been bullying a girl, she didn't hesitate to take action. She found out that her 11-year-old son had been sending mean texts to a girl. Samm immediately took his phone and read through the messages. “This poor girl, I’m not going to say her name. He’s only sent her the most harsh message that you could send to any female,” the mom remarked. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Julia M CameronRepresentative Image Source: Pexels| Julia M Cameron

The son had sent horrible messages to the girl calling her “fat” and “ugly” and several other things. The mom mentioned that she was agitated after learning about her son's appalling behavior. “I was livid, I was fuming,” she exclaimed. She mentioned that she immediately decided to take action and teach her son a lesson. “Asked him where she lives. ‘I don’t know,’ Well, then go f**king find out,” the mom recalled the conversation she had with her son. The mom “dragged” the boy to the girl’s house and even ensured he took chocolates and flowers over to apologize. “I not only made him apologize to the girl but made him apologize to her mum and her dad,” the mom said. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Keira BurtonRepresentative Image Source: Pexels| Keira Burton

“I made it clear that he would never speak to a female like that again,” she added. Jane was completely furious at her son’s behavior and had no tolerance for even a fraction of the same. The mom mentioned that she is a single mother and that it is undoubtedly hard to raise a boy by herself. She added that she had 3 sons whom she taught very well. “If there’s one thing I say to them, it’s that you respect these women,” she exclaimed. She added, “Even though he’s 11, nothing that he could say to me can make up for what he said to this girl ever.” The mom, still enraged by the situation, ensured that her boys “never disrespect a woman.” She was totally against it and pointed out that she wouldn’t allow and support it under any circumstances. 

Image Source: TikTok|@marthasthebestImage Source: TikTok|@marthasthebestt

Image Source: TikTok|@xxsammys01xxImage Source: TikTok|@xxsammys01xx

Jane was bold and firm about her opinion on the matter and other parents applauded her for how she handled the situation. Many people mentioned that despite her reaction being too loud and harsh, it was much needed considering the gravity of the situation. @emizelouise82 wrote, “If I could like this video a million times, I’d do it. Highfive Mama for doing parenting right.” @gemmawales added, “More mums should be the same. Well done!” remarked, “Hope he has learned his lesson. You are an amazing mom.” @.ez__ added, “I’d pay this woman to be the mom of half the boys around here.” @astony312 wrote, “Well done Mom, he won’t do that again.” @kieran.moss mentioned, “The correct way of parenting, finally!”


#raisingaboy #angrymum #respect

You can follow Samm Jane (@sammjane2) on TikTok for more content on parenting.