Life hacks are all about discovering clever tricks that make everyday activities more enjoyable. Even simple tasks, like driving to get groceries, can become exciting with the right hacks. Emma Rose Jean (@emmarosejean1) shared a fun car key hack she found online. “I came across this car key hack as one does,” she said, feeling excited to reveal what she discovered. She captured herself while trying the hack and the results were incredible.
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Antoni Shkraba
The hack involves modern car keys with buttons. These buttons do more than just lock and unlock; they can also roll down all the windows. "If you hit the unlock button on your car key twice and hold it down, it will roll down all of your windows," Jean explained. She was amazed and eager to learn more.
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mike Bird
“I’m fascinated with stupid shit like this so I’m gonna go and try it and get a live reaction of whether it works or not,” she exclaimed. The woman got out of her car quickly and proceeded to try the hack as per the instructions. She shared on camera the steps as she slowly did them. She first pressed the car key’s unlock button twice and then held it down the third time. As soon as she did, the windows immediately rolled down, leaving Jean baffled. She shrieked in excitement. Still completely shocked to see the windows rolled down, Jean exclaimed, “That might be the coolest thing I’ve ever seen!”
The woman was beyond excited by the hack and went over to the rolled-down windows. Very impressed and with her jaw dropped, she put her hand on the car door where the windows were rolled down and remarked, “It did that.” “I need to read my car’s manual,” she concluded. People were baffled to try the hack for themselves. @hehehehehello wrote, “What other secrets are they keeping from us!?” @genevarw5252 added, “This is how I found out my Toyota Camry does have automatic start.” @ovenjuicelatte commented, “My husband and I found out about this by accident when we came out and our car windows were all rolled down.”
Image Source: TikTok | @grocerygrocery
Image Source: TikTok | @rachelllsays
@danders63 remarked, “Not me getting out of my house at midnight to try this with my car in the garage.” @meggieeginger pointed out, “Sadly, this doesn’t work on my ‘23 Toyota Corolla.” @theshedevil_ added, “I used to sell my Hondas like this. It was my go-to show and tell during the summer.” @large_coke_no_ice pointed out, “Mazda owners: Click the unlock button thrice and hold down on the 4th click and watch them go down.”
@emmarosejean1 on todays episode of things tiktok taught me #carhacks
You can follow Emma Rose Jean (@emmarosejean1) on TikTok for more content on lifestyle.