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High school teens surprise friend with Down syndrome with an unforgettable prom experience

The teen couldn't find a date for the prom, so her friends decided to take matters into their own hands.

High school teens surprise friend with Down syndrome with an unforgettable prom experience
Cover Image Source: YouTube I @kwwl7

Time in and time out, our lives get defined by the company of our friends who complete our lives. A high school student with Down syndrome, Annie Schlarmann, has now got her greatest prom gift after her friends decided to skip the ceremony and instead, spend time with her, according to a report from Sunny Skyz.

Representational Image Source : Pexels I Photo by RDNE Stock project
Representational Image Source: Pexels I Photo by RDNE Stock project

Annie, a junior at Monticello High School, had been eagerly anticipating her first prom. Like many of her friends, she dreamt of what the evening might hold and was in line to attend this special school event. However, her prom night aspirations took a small setback as she couldn't find a partner.

But there was a twist in the tale - her friends went out of their way to ensure she did not spend the night alone. When Annie's friends learned that she didn't have a date for the prom, they decided to take matters into their own hands to ensure her happiness. 

Image source: Pexels | Photo by Juliano Astc
Image source: Pexels | Photo by Juliano Astc

Maria McCarthy, one of Annie's close friends, spoke to KWWL 7 about this gesture and said, "We heard that Annie didn't have anyone to go with for prom, and we thought it would be so fun to make her night special." She added, "So, we all got together, and we got to do so much fun stuff like we went out to eat, we went axe throwing, and we got ice cream."

In a YouTube video shared by the publication, we see visuals of Annie enjoying her day out with her friends and making the most of her time having fun with her friends. For Annie's mother, Sue Schlarmann, this gesture meant the world. Expressing her gratefulness, she said, "As the mother of a child with Down syndrome, this was everything I could hope for."

Overwhelmed with emotions, Sue added, "When you have a child with a disability, you're always hoping they're going to get the same opportunities as your other children. To have Annie's friends show such genuine kindness and invite her to prom is truly something special." On the other hand, Annie struggled to hold back tears as she shared her feelings, "I had a lot of fun last night because my friends are nice to me, and I love them. They mean a lot to me."


This wholesome gesture by Annie's friends celebrated their friendship and spread an important message about how kindness knows no boundaries. For Annie, the prom night turned out to be even more special than she could have ever imagined. 

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