Babies can't form long-term memories, leading to what is known as infantile amnesia, where most of us don't recall our early childhood. To preserve these fleeting moments, many parents create keepsake albums, scrapbooks, and pregnancy journals. A 42-year-old organizing expert from Southern California shared a tech-savvy hack for creating a digital memory book for babies.
Representative Image Source: Pexels | vika glitter
Before she even became a mother, Lovely Jackson (@lovely_lean_aesthetics on Instagram and TikTok) created an email account for her daughter. “I didn’t realize the incredible benefits until my oldest was a toddler, but I secured an email address for my daughter before she was even born,” she wrote in an Instagram post, liked by over 72,000 people.
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro
In her post, Lovely outlined several benefits of creating an email for a baby before birth. The first benefit she outlined is about memory preservation, “A perfect and easy way to store and preserve big and small memories alike, all in digital format. Share photos and short videos, creating a digital archive of meaningful moments and experiences. Think birthdays, family vacations, as well as simple but just as important memories, like the first day learning to ride a bike or a spontaneous beach day.”
Representative Image Source: Pexels | rodolfoclix
Another benefit is that the email will enable the child to reflect on their past in the distant future. By scrolling through the email, they will be transported back to their toddler years, filled with rainbows, unicorns, animal artwork, soft pastel blankets, plush dolls, and miniature toys. “This time capsule will allow them to easily revisit memories, and reflect on their growth and experiences over time,” explained Lovely.
“When they’re older, they can browse through old emails and attachments to reminisce about special events, achievements, or conversations,” she added. She also said that an email like this can help a child stay connected with their loved ones by getting reminded of their love. To be able to look back at good old times gives a person a sense of belonging and a memoir of the care they received from their parents.
@lovely_lean_aesth I didn’t realize the incredible benefits until my oldest was a a toddler, but I secured an email address for my daughter before she was even born! ✨Memory Preservation✨ -A perfect—and more importantly—an easy way to store and preserve big and small memories alike, all in digital format. Share photos and short videos, creating a digital archive of meaningful moments and experiences. Think birthdays, family vacations, as well as simple but just as important memories-like the first day learning to ride a bike or a spontaneous beach day. ✨Reflect and Reminisce✨ -Over time, this time capsule will allow them to easily revisit memories, reflect on their growth and experiences over time. -When they’re older, they can browse through old emails and attachments to reminisce about special events, achievements, or conversations. ✨Connection with Loved Ones✨ -Loved ones can easily join in on the fun. At their leisure and with little or as much commitment as they want. 🤍 As an added bonus, you’re securing emails addresses of their formal names. Although you may want to leave out full middle names for security purposes. 🤍 Not to mention, the joy and love you’ll feel as you craft each email. ✨PRO-TIP: Email is the perfect way to store all those photos you’ll be taking of their artwork 😜 ✨PRO-PRO-TIP: For all the extra special artwork and important documents of which you do need to retain copies, these time capsule bins are a big hit! Comment TIME and I’ll send you a copy of the time capsule printable I used. I found a blog that posted this printable for free! I made some minor edits to the printable myself for a less structured timeline and easier photo addition (when using clear labels). For tips on a general filing system, I have a reel for that 😏 🤍 FOLLOW this professional efficiency expert and together I’ll help you find a place for everything. For more organizing inspiration, but make it real life. Make it ✨Functional Aesthetics✨ #organize #organizingtips #decluttering #organizewithpurpose #decluttering #functionalaesthetics #organizedliving #organizationalwisdom #leanmethodology #EfficiencyExpert #mastertheorder home organizing | decluttering tips | functional aesthetics | organized living
"I believe in the power of visuals, so I keep the writing minimal and let the photos speak volumes," Lovely told Newsweek, and added, "While, currently, it's primarily about preserving memories, I'm considering incorporating short letters about life lessons and experiences into these emails, especially as my children grow older." People who viewed Lovely’s post liked the idea of baby email. Several recalled how their parents created different kinds of memory banks for them. “My dad made my email when I got my first tablet so glad he did it sounds so fancy and professional,” said @carlarivxp.
Image Source: Instagram | @rubberduckie278
Practicing an idea similar to Lovely’s, Morgan Stromberg, a marriage and family therapist in California, created an email account for his daughter four months before her birth. Explaining his reason for doing this, he told The New York Times, “I did it because I wanted her to know she was loved from the first moment, and have access to stories from the man that knows her the best.”
The idea that a person can scroll through their baby memories, sifting through the highlights of their initial years, is fascinating, almost surreal. For parents too, a baby email is a sweet way of freezing time. "I highly recommend this for parents. It's a win-win for everyone involved," Lovely said. "But it's crucial to remember to unsubscribe from irrelevant emails, stay engaged with the account, and maintain separate photo-archiving methods."
Representative Image Source: Pexels | fotios photos