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New Service Lets You Send Your Ashes To Republican Lawmakers

Here’s one way to take a stand against the repeal of Obamacare

Last Thursday, Republican representatives pushed a revised Affordable Health Care Act through Congress. Not only does the bill allow insurance providers to hike up premiums for patients with pre-existing conditions, it features a scope of conditions so vast, conservatives must think being human is a pre-existing ailment. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the AHCA would likely result in 24 million Americans losing their insurance, making the bill a veritable death sentence for millions.

Production assistant, student, and enterprising Twitter user Zoey Jordan Salsbury decided to help those affected by this bill respond … by sending their ashes to the GOP.

Through the site, appropriately named Mail Me to the GOP, users can mail their dusty remains to Republican legislators who voted for a bill that considers sexual assault a pre-existing condition. As the site’s description reads,

“Millions of Americans rely on protections and coverage from the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. The Republicans’ new bill will gut these protections and many will die. They deserve to know it. Fill out our form and we’ll help you get papers in order to send your ashes to a GOP member of Congress if you pass.”

In addition to this service, the site also has a "Reasons Why We Will Die" section, featuring testimonials from anonymous users who face stark consequences should the bill effectively repeal the ACA. As one testimonial reads, “Because I have cancer which is a pre-existing condition as per the new bill. You are murderers. Every one of you that voted to repeal ACA. I hope you too have to choose between death and going into debt one day soon.”

That being said, if you’re not into grand, macabre gestures, Salsbury’s site does provide some more practical tips for fighting the repeal of Obamacare. The site directs you to either call your senators or unseat the representatives who voted for the AHCA. Whether it’s through phone calls or ashes, we should be able to make a strong case for affordable and available health care.